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Frequently asked questions

Rental guarantee for commercial use

How long does it take to release my rental guarantee?

The landlord has 12 months to release the rental guarantee, in accordance with Swiss tenancy law.

It is your responsibility to arrange for your landlord to return the completed, dated (indicated lease end date) and signed certificate to us in order to release the rental guarantee and close your contract.

Please note that until we receive it, your contract remains active and we will continue to bill you the annual premium.

Can I recover the premiums paid at the end of the lease?

No, the way we work is different from a bank deposit.

We offer a service that does not require you to block cash in a bank account. This service is subject to a fee (annual premiums) and there is no refund of funds, except in the case of a pro rata repayment of an annual premium with a balance that is not yet due.

Can I link my garage to the rental guarantee of my apartment?

This is possible as long as the garage is located at the same address as the apartment and the two leases have started on the same date and cannot be terminated separately. In addition, your landlord must give us his/her written consent.

Can I request a rental guarantee if my residence permit is in the process of being issued but I have a work contract?

  • If you are a citizen of a Schengen country and do not yet have a residence permit, an employment contract of at least 1 year with an employment level of 100% may be accepted. We will need a copy of your passport.
  • If you are a citizen of a non-Schengen country and do not yet have a residence permit, a permanent employment contract with an employment level of 100% may be accepted. We will need a copy of your passport.

Please note that we do not accept employment contracts issued by temporary employment agencies.

If none of these criteria are met, a guarantor (Swiss or with a B, C or F residence permit) is required.

Can I set up my guarantee half at the bank, half with SwissCaution?

We don’t offer a hybrid solution. The SwissCaution rental guarantee has the advantage of freeing you from the constraint of blocking your money in a bank deposit.

What happens in the event of a change of lessor or owner?

A change of lessor or owner must be indicated on the lease, and it is mandatory to inform us.

Although the real estate agency or owner is responsible for informing us of property sales/purchases or changes of mandate (real estate agency), it is also the tenant’s responsibility to inform us of these changes in writing (additional agreement, information letter or other official document received from the old/new property manager).

Can I get a SwissCaution rental guarantee for a sublet?

You can request a SwissCaution rental guarantee for a sublet by providing :

  • Lease contract
  • Sublease contract
  • The lessor’s written agreement

Can I apply on behalf of a company or association?

For a company: enclose the extract from the commercial register and a Swiss identity document (or valid Swiss residence permit, B, C or F) of the representative.

For an association: standard statutes and identity document of the association’s representative or president.

Can I benefit from the guarantee in my parents name if I occupy their apartment?

The SwissCaution rental guarantee contract is established in accordance with the lease. The person who signs the lease, whether or not he/she lives in the apartment, is solely responsible for the rental guarantee and must submit a copy of his/her ID card for the rental guarantee to be issued.

How do I sign up?

You have the following options to register:

  • via our website (the quickest and easiest way)
  • at a Swiss Post office
  • at an agency of La Mobilière or SwissCaution
  • with the registration form in our brochure, to be returned by post
  • at your real estate agency (if part of our partners)

What is the quickest way to get my rental guarantee?

The quickest way to receive your rental guarantee is to register online and include all the required documents:

  • signed lease or draft lease (all pages)
  • copy of the identity card of each tenant on the lease, or a copy of the B, B refugee, C or F residence permit. If you hold another type of residence permit, a guarantor domiciled in Switzerland will be required.

If you are a citizen of a Schengen country and do not yet have a residence permit, an employment contract of at least 1 year with an employment level of 100% may be accepted. We will need a copy of your passport.

If you are a citizen of a non-Schengen country and do not yet have a residence permit, a permanent employment contract with an employment level of 100% may be accepted. We will need a copy of your passport.

Please note that we do not accept employment contracts issued by temporary employment agencies.

If none of these criteria are met, a guarantor (Swiss or with a B, C or F residence permit) is required.

The issuance of your rental guarantee can only be done after receiving all required documents and the payment of your annual premium.

How can I calculate my premium?

You can calculate your premium using our online calculator.

How long am I bound to my SwissCaution rental guarantee?

The rental guarantee takes effect on the start date of the lease, you are obliged to pay your annual premium each year.

To cancel your rental guarantee, simply provide an equivalent rental guarantee of the same amount and value.

Please note that only your landlord or real estate agency can release your guarantee by returning the original, dated (indicated lease end date ) and signed rental guarantee certificate to SwissCaution.

What do I need to if my lease changes?

If someone moves out of the apartment, a new tenant moves in or the rent is changed, an amendment to the lease must be issued. It has to be signed by all parties and sent to us, together with the identity documents of the people staying at the apartment.

Please don’t forget to keep SwissCaution informed of such changes!

Do I have to pay my premium bill if I’ve already moved out?

As long as your guarantee has not been released by your landlord (a process that can take up to 12 months, depending on tenancy law), you are required to pay your annual premium (payable in advance, in accordance with our General Terms and Conditions). It is your responsibility to arrange for your landlord to return the completed, dated (indicated lease end date) and signed certificate to us, in order to release the rental guarantee and close your contract.

We aren’t able to issue pro rata premium invoices.

As soon as your guarantee is released, a pro rata (or total) refund of the annual premium may be made (CGA).

Can I transfer my rental guarantee to my new apartment?

No, unless you are moving into the same building and it is same real estate agency/landlord and the latter confirms:

  • that there are no claims on the previous apartment
  • that he/she authorizes SwissCaution to proceed with the modification of the insurance contract. A new lease is required.

If you move to another building, you have to make a new request and a transfer of the existing guarantee is not possible. A new registration is required for each new apartment.

What is HomeAssistance?

HomeAssistance is an assistance service that is available to you for free. If, for example, you have a water leak in your flat insured by your rental guarantee or have lost your house keys, HomeAssistance is available to you 24/7. Depending on the type of emergency, the costs are covered up to a maximum of CHF 1,000 per event. This assistance service, which is included in your rental guarantee, is unique in Switzerland!

In which cases should I contact my landlord and in which cases HomeAssistance?

If you are faced with an emergency related to the apartment insured by your rental guarantee, we advise you to contact your real estate agency or landlord first to find out how he/she wishes to proceed.

We recommend that you contact HomeAssistance in the following cases:

  • you have already contacted your real estate agency or your landlord and he/she has given you his/her agreement to call on HomeAssistance
  • you are faced with an emergency outside your real estate agency’s opening hours or your landlord is unreachable
  • in the event of loss of traveler’s checks, cash, bank cards, postal account cards, credit cards and customer cards

Do I have access to the SwissCaution HomeAssistance Service?

If you have subscribed to a SwissCaution rental guarantee for a residential lease, you have free access to our HomeAssistance.

What emergency interventions does HomeAssistance cover?

It must be an emergency related to the apartment covered by the rental guarantee for a residential lease. For more details about the different types of emergency interventions, please refer to the SwissCaution HomeAssistance conditions.

Who comes to assist me?

We work with local craftsmen who have a proven track record.

What is the maximum amount covered by HomeAssistance?

Depending on the type of emergency, costs are covered up to a maximum amount of CHF 1,000 per intervention.

How do I contact HomeAssistance?

Call SwissCaution at 0848 001 848 and select the 24/7 HomeAssistance service. You will then be identified by your name / SwissCaution contract number. This allows us to organize the emergency intervention as quickly as possible.

What is the maximum deposit amount guaranteed by SwissCaution for a commercial lease?

There is no limit to the amount of the rental guarantee for a commercial lease.

How is the rental guarantee premium calculated for a commercial lease?

The annual premium is 5% of the rental guarantee amount (plus administrative and document issuance fee and Swiss federal stamp duty). Once your request has been accepted, you will have to pay the first annual premium to SwissCaution to validate your rental guarantee.

How long does it take to process my request?

After receiving your request and all the required documents, your file will be examined and you will be informed of our response within seven working days.

Can my request be refused?

Your request can be refused if it contains false or incomplete information. High risk or a lack of solvency are also grounds for refusal.

What happens if my landlord refuses the rental guarantee?

The landlord is legally supposed to accept the rental guarantee without bank deposit. If your rental guarantee is refused, you can ask SwissCaution to contact your landlord directly. If the refusal persists, your landlord must return the original certificate to SwissCaution indicating a reason. In this case, you are not required to pay.

I am moving to different premises, how do I cancel my SwissCaution rental guarantee?

Ask your landlord or your landlord’s representative (real estate agency) to sign and return the original rental guarantee certificate to SwissCaution. Once we receive the signed original certificate from your landlord, you will be automatically released from paying the annual premium of the following year.

If your landlord has any claims against you (for damage or non-payment of rent), and if you agree, SwissCaution will directly pay your landlord the sum claimed up to the maximum amount of your rental guarantee. SwissCaution will simultaneously exercise its right of recourse against the tenant(s) for reimbursement of the amount advanced to your landlord.

Do not forget to contact your insurer (third-party liability/household insurance) to check if those costs could possibly be covered.

To quickly receive a rental guarantee for your new commercial premises, you need to register for a new SwissCaution rental guarantee based on your new lease contract.

What should I do in the event of a claim?

If your landlord has claims against you (for example, damages or unpaid rent) and if you give your consent, SwissCaution will directly pay the amount claimed up to the maximum amount of your rental guarantee. You will then have to reimburse SwissCaution the amount that was paid to your landlord.

Do not forget to contact your insurer (civil liability/home insurance) to check if those costs could possibly be covered.

I’m under 26 years old, am I entitled to a discount?

If one of the tenants on the lease is between 18 and 25, a 10% discount will be granted on the premium until the tenant turns 26. The Loyalty Discount can be combined with the Youth Offer discount.

Learn more

Am I entitled to a Loyalty Discount?

If you have subscribed to a SwissCaution rental guarantee for a residential lease and provided that you fulfill the eligibility requirements (no pending debt collection procedure with SwissCaution), you will get the following discounts on your premium: The Youth Offer discount can be combined with the Loyalty Discount.

  • After 2 full years of insurance, a 10% discount
  • After 3 full years of insurance (but not before December 1, 2024), a 20% discount
  • After 4 full years of insurance (but not before December 1, 2025), a 30% discount

The Youth Offer discount can be combined with the Loyalty Discount.

What conditions must I fulfill to subscribe to a SwissCaution rental guarantee?

  • Minimum age of 18 years
  • Swiss nationality or B, B refugee, C or F residence permit
  • A good credit rating
  • A residential lease with a minimum duration of three months for an apartment in Switzerland

If you are a citizen of a Schengen country and do not yet have a residence permit, an employment contract of at least 1 year with an employment level of 100% may be accepted. We will need a copy of your passport.

If you are a citizen of a non-Schengen country and do not yet have a residence permit, a permanent employment contract with an employment level of 100% may be accepted. We will need a copy of your passport.

Please note that we do not accept employment contracts issued by temporary employment agencies.

If none of these criteria are met, a guarantor (Swiss or with a B, C or F residence permit) is required.

How can I enhance my chances of getting the apartment of my dreams?

If you are searching for accommodation and you have not yet received your lease, SwissCaution can provide you with a provisional certificate. It reassures your landlord of your financial situation as it guarantees the delivery of your future SwissCaution rental guarantee – subject to the conformity of the information provided, the transmission of the documents required to activate the contract and the payment of the annual premium.

Thanks to this free document, you benefit from a considerable advantage in your search for housing.

I have cancelled my rental guarantee before the expiration date of my annual premium. Do I get a reimbursement for the amount of my annual premium?

SwissCaution will make a prorated reimbursement of the outstanding amount of your annual premium according to the following conditions:

If your rental guarantee terminates before the expiry of your annual premium or if you subscribe to a new rental guarantee issued by SwissCaution, we invite you to contact us via our contact form in order to reimburse you the prorata temporis of your unexpired annual premium. However, if the cancellation occurs during the first year of your rental guarantee, the premium will be retained by SwissCaution in accordance with current legislation.

Good news: your loyalty program remains valid if you subscribe to a new SwissCaution rental guarantee for a residential lease within 12 months of your cancellation!

I am moving, how can I cancel my SwissCaution rental guarantee?

Ask your real estate agency or landlord to return the dated (indicated lease end date) and signed original document of the SwissCaution rental guarantee. As soon as your landlord or real estate agency has requested the release of your SwissCaution rental guarantee, you will be automatically released from paying the annual premium the following year.

If your landlord has claims against you (for example, damages or unpaid rent) and if you give your consent, SwissCaution will directly pay the amount claimed up to the maximum amount of your rental guarantee. You will then have to reimburse SwissCaution the amount that was paid to your landlord.

Do not forget to contact your insurer (civil liability/home insurance) to check if those costs could possibly be covered.

I already have a bank deposit. Can I reclaim it today?

You can sign up for a SwissCaution rental guarantee at any time and reclaim the money deposited at your bank. We recommend that you request approval from your landlord or real estate agency beforehand.

What is the maximum amount of the SwissCaution rental guarantee?

The amount of the SwissCaution rental guarantee is not limited. However, it cannot exceed 3 months’ monthly rent.

How do I release the rental guarantee?

Only the landlord or the landlord’s representative (real estate agency) can release the rental guarantee by returning the original rental guarantee certificate, signed by both parties, to SwissCaution directly. SwissCaution then pays the landlord all debt associated with the tenant’s rental contract up to the maximum amount of the guarantee. To find out more, please contact us or visit the website dedicated to real estate professionals: pro.swisscaution.ch

Can the tenant terminate the rental guarantee without my consent?

No, only the landlord or the landlord’s representative can release the rental guarantee. The landlord or the landlord’s representative only needs to sign and return the original rental guarantee certificate to SwissCaution.

What happens if the tenant fails to pay the rental guarantee premium?

Coverage is provided by the rental guarantee even in the event of non-payment of the premium by the tenant.

How long does it take to issue the rental guarantee?

The SwissCaution rental guarantee procedure is simple, efficient and fast. We process a rental guarantee request swiftly, provided that the tenant sends us the request and all the necessary documents and pays the annual premium. The rental guarantee certificate is then sent directly by mail to the landlord or the landlord’s representative with a copy sent to the tenant.

Is my SwissCaution rental guarantee equivalent to a bank deposit?

Absolutely! The SwissCaution rental guarantee is an advantageous alternative to a bank deposit. It offers the same guarantees and value as a bank deposit. The difference lies in the fact that, with a bank deposit, you block your money for the duration of your lease, whereas with the SwissCaution rental guarantee, you pay an annual premium. you can easily calculate your annual premium using our online calculator.

SwissCaution is an insurance company subject to the law on insurance contracts and consequently to the supervision of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA).

Rental guarantee and bank deposit, which rules have to be observed?

The law does not require a rental guarantee or a bank deposit when renting an apartment, but in practice, whether it is a real estate agency or the landlord, a rental guarantee is almost always required. The amount of the guarantee is either deposited into a blocked bank account for the duration of the lease or guaranteed by SwissCaution with the rental guarantee without bank deposit. These regulations have been in force since the Act on Guarantees for Leases of 1971.

Rental guarantee: Why choose a rental guarantee without bank deposit?

Instead of establishing a bank deposit as a guarantee, get your SwissCaution rental guarantee. You no longer have to block 3 months of rent in a bank account, especially if the bank deposit from your previous housing is not released yet. Choose the No. 1 for your rental guarantee without bank deposit.

What exactly is a rental guarantee without bank deposit?

The rental guarantee without bank deposit is an alternative to the bank deposit and the tenants’ money is not tied up in a bank account for the duration of the lease. If you opt for this solution, you pay an annual premium during the term of your lease and SwissCaution acts as your guarantor for your landlord.